Found this interesting article from and find that might help you in increase your blog’s traffic:
Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days
- First, I made the most of Technorati tags. I tagged every key word in each of my posts. Initially I did this manually but them I discovered a WordPress plugin called SimpleTags that made the job a whole lot easier.
I found that by tagging my post effectively they were getting a lot more attention then their untagged counterparts, and as an added advantage I was getting focused, quality traffic to the site!
- I leveraged my existing website. I’ve been running my business website for a few years and that was getting modest levels of traffic that was relevant to my blog – so why not try to drive some of that to my new blog! I placed a few FeedBurner headline animator blocks on some of my most popular pages and after a day or so I noticed a significant increase in traffic for 5 minutes worth of work on my part.
- Finally, I made effective use of trackback links to popular sites. If I commented on a post on another site I would make sure that I set up the appropriate trackback for it. The results from this are varied depending on the site and post that you are linking to but since I liked to comment and interact with the wider blogosphere anyway, it was free traffic!
What I think…
- I don’t like tags on my post. I feel that it will drecrease my site’s traffic. When visitors see the tags, they migh click on it. I did get traffic from Technorati but I don’t have any tag on my site. Instead I use the ping service. I make ping to Technorati ‘s ping service ( whenever I write a post. You can make this automatically by putting the URL under WordPress Admin’s Options – Writing – Update Services
- FeedBurner – yes this might help a bit. Many blogger did this. You can subscribe to FeedBurner and put the feed animator as your signature on your other site and forums
- Agreed with him. You can have backlinks and traffic for free. But you do not spam other people website. Most people hate that.
For me, the content is the king! When you have good quality of content, search engine and traffic will come to your site automatically and slowly. Keywords are one of the key element, try target more niche keywords instead of general keywords. Please do not over mention the keywords, search engine might think you are spamming with keywords. Put those targeting keyword in page title, keywords (meta tag), title of article and first paragraph of the article. Although some search engines (e.g. Google) do not recognize keywords in meta tags but the is no reason we don’t want to put it in for other search engines.
Hope this will help :)
Actually, I don’t think you really get how the Technorati Tags work. Putting these tags merely ensure that your blog will be on the search results of the top ten popular words of the hour. It helps you score some cheap hits, but you have to really put up stuff related to that particular topic, or people will just know that you’re cheating and choose not to click your blog.
There is this one guy who always wanted to put up entries related to ALL TEN popular searches on Technorati, by writing some lame story. (for example: if Dawn Yang, Pat Robertson, Firefox 1.5, Ariel Sharon and King Kong were the top five searches, he wrote something like ‘today, i went out for dinner with Dawn Yang, then we went to see King Kong, and after that, we discussed about the joys of Firefox 1.5, and also what an asshole Pat Robertson was for dissing Ariel Sharon like that’)
He never got big. I don’t think the blog was updated anymore since December.
I aware of that actually. By pinging to technorati, Technorati will actually tag your post for related keywords automatically.
Talking from exprience: Manually tagging keywords does help, alot.
I’ve been using techonarti for about 6 months, and have been getting a bit traffic from it, about 10 a month. (while activating the automatic ping)
After i started tagging, it’s something about 5+ a day.
1. I don’t like tags on my post. I feel that it will drecrease my site’s traffic. When visitors see the tags, they migh click on it. I did get traffic from Technorati but I don’t have any tag on my site. Instead I use the ping service. I make ping to Technorati ’s ping service ( whenever I write a post. You can make this automatically by putting the URL under WordPress Admin’s Options – Writing – Update Services
My view is that, visitors they come and go, it depends on the attractiveness of your blog to them, on whether they’re really interested on your content or not. They click because they need more content, and if they can’t find them on your blog, they’ll click elsewhere for more. My point is, no point keeping a visitor who doesn’t find your site useful to them, right?
In a way the tags will drive visitors away from your blog, but think about it, Technorati actually drive extra visitors to your blog more than you direct visitor to them, who’s on the winning end? You are.
Start tagging buddy :) “SimpleTags” plugin is a nifty little tool to help you out.
yes, i agree that you gotta have a blog-quality entry to get ur own traffic. doing cheap technorati tricks are just plain. i always read people’s blog in PPS. you don’t need a technorati to ensure that i will read them. just put up an interesting title and excerpts. i’ll read them for sure.